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Heavy and painful periods are NOT normal!

Do you love the picture? hehe I do! :)

Have any of you ever noticed that it is has become the norm that during menstruation we are meant to suffer with heavy bleeding and be in so much pain? In case you didn't know, I'm going to let you in on ancient knowledge tidbits that have somehow been shadowed by modern society.

1) It is not the normal, but a sign of dysfunction in the body that needs regulated or it can lead to more serious conditions like fibroids, endometriosis, cysts, etc. Let me repeat that, it is NOT normal to have heavy bleeding with massive pain and feeling like you cannot even function. I was so lucky to acquire this knowledge over two decades ago studying Chinese medicine. Because of that knowledge I knew that if my period was horribly heavy and painful it was simply a sign my body was out of balance and I was able to recognize, due to what I had learned, what I was doing that wasn't ok, thus making changes to prevent it from being that way the following month. Yet, the majority unfortunately don't know this. It is SO important to listen to the body and correct this before it leads to further health issues.

I've become really passionate about this lately for several reasons:

  • Too many friends who have spent their entire life going through horrible and painful periods are now dealing with massive fibroids, cysts, and endometriosis.

  • Many rogis (health seekers aka clients) are also seeing me with histories of horrible heavy periods and now dealing with fibroids, etc.

  • Hearing about young girls, teenagers, who are already having fibroids!

  • Modern medicine pretty much doesn't do anything but wait until it is at its worst to then offer surgery - otherwise it is just a recommendation to take ibuprofen and deal with it. Please keep in mind this can be years while those cysts and fibroids continue to grow and grow and keep causing so much pain and other more serious health conditions, because yet again only the symptom is being addressed (ibuprofen and pain) rather than the root problem. Ayurveda addresses the root problem.

Please remember I value modern medicine - it is all about working together and finding a balance between allopathic and complementary medicines: functional medicine. So, we need to get on board with collaborating and learning from each other. If allopathic medicine feels all they can do is recommend pain killers and to just wait, then let's please have them refer out to other practitioners who can help shrink or completely get rid of these fibroids and cysts. Yes, Ayurvedic medicine can:

  • Help balance menstruation so it is no longer miserable and horribly painful.

  • Prevent fibroid, uterine cysts, and endometriosis.

  • Shrink or completely eliminate fibroids and uterine cysts.

Have you ever noticed that people expect those who menstruate to be angry or moody, or in some places dirty, in preparation and while we are on our cycle? Again, this is more of a dysfunction - a body not in balance.

2) In case you didn't know, according to ancient belief systems, menstruation is a woman's most powerful time. This is when we are more powerful energetically than we realize. Though we are naturally going through a cleansing process the energetic effect we have on the world around us is astounding. Many think the reasons that a menstruating individual cannot participate in certain cultural ceremonies has to do with them being dirty. While this may be unfortunately true in some cultures, in the majority it is because of this power and how it affects the energy of the ceremony. It's so strong it disrupts the flow, but at the same time if used appropriately can be channeled to help the ceremony in a different way I have experienced this in many instances, but two in particular stand out that I want to share with you.

First, I have been a participant in a traditional indigenous ceremony that was flowing perfectly. Then, all of a sudden everything was off. The motions and movements were there but the energy just wasn't flowing right - it didn't feel right. The ceremony was stopped to take a break because those in guiding it felt it too. Well, during that break one of my sisters went to the restroom and her cycle had started during the ceremony - and she hadn't had a cycle in many years due to menopause. Due to her being in her most powerful time she wasn't allowed return in the ceremony, but had to participate from afar. Guess what - everything flowed back to normal when we started again - because she wasn't there in the circle (she was still there from afar). It was such a fascinating and confirming experience on how the power of menstruation can affect things so much. That was one of the first times I felt and saw this extraordinary power rather than just know about it.

Secondly, the next time I participated in this ceremony, yup, I was the one on my cycle. I was heart-broken that I couldn't participate within the ceremony - and there is SO much more to this story that perhaps I will share some day. However, I still participated, but it was from afar. I will tell you two things: 1) It was a powerful ceremony for me, despite participating from afar. 2) I was told that a large part of why the ceremony flourished was due to the power I was holding on the outside as there were lots of challenges that year within the ceremony and I was the powerful grounding source they needed. It wouldn't have been that way, perhaps, had I not been menstruating and in the separate but connected ceremony that I was. Menstruating is ceremony in and of itself - there is so much benefit in learning to honor that.

So, I have truly come to honor the sacred time of menstruation as much as I can. I honor the power and energy that exists because I have the blessing and privilege of having a period. I know - it seems super weird to say it is a privilege, but it truly is. Not every human on this planet is able to experience it, and not ever person with a vagina even still has this ability. I also really want others to understand how to manage their bodies so they can have less painful periods and prevent future health challenges.

If you are in individual who menstruates, here are some tips for more balance:

  • During menstruation rest. Rest, honor, reflect. If you are an athlete, do your best to rest and do light workouts compared to your normal routine. If you can, skip the workout and go for a gentle walk.

  • Pre-menstruation and during menstruation avoid spicy foods.

  • Limit or avoid stimulating drinks like caffeine.

  • Drink warm liquids and have warm food.

  • Stress management is key. Slow down. Less rushing.

  • The other recommendations are really dosha specific: if you are a Vata prakruti you need different things compared to a Kapha or Pitta prakruti. This is Ayurvedic talk if you were not familiar with those terms.

There are plenty of Ayurvedic recommendations that can help, but it is individualized. This is really important - please don't try to treat yourself, seek yout a practitioner. There are also protocols to specifically work on reducing or eliminating growths. This all requires consultations and a dedication to lifestyle shift and herbs - but it is magic when it happens!

Bottom line - let's work together to shift this accepted norm that menstruation is supposed to be painful with heavy bleeding. IT IS NOT. THIS IS NOT NORMAL OR OK.

Feel free to reach out if you have questions or comments! I have a feeling I will be doing more with this because lately, as I stated above, it is igniting a fiery passion within to create change and awareness surrounding this topic and experience.

Have a beautiful day!


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