Massage Therapy

Therapeutic Massage
I have been a massage therapist for over 23 years now. My work is very integrative of everything I have studied and experienced. Everyone who sees me receives whatever their body needs in regard to what therapies I use. Even though I offer regular Thai massage, I integrate some of it on the table if that is what is needed. I offer guasha and cupping, but do not charge extra. Here is a break-down of the different massages I'm currently offering:
Therapeutic Massage: This is an integrative session of whatever you might need but focusing on nueromuscular therapy and working with pain management and injury healing and management. At the same time, therapeutic for some is simple relaxation. So, this is whatever your body needs and wants.
$90/1 hour
$140/1.5 hour
$200/2 hour
Abhyanga: This is an Ayurvedic massage treatment focused on using a higher amount of warm medicated oil and focused on guiding Vata the right direction. Traditionally this is done with two people, four hands, but it is also offered by one person, two hands. This is really more of a treatment rather than a massage. It is amazing for the nervous system and simply grounding out the entire system.
$140/ 1.5 hour
$200/1 hour for 4 hands (two people)
Thai Massage: I studied Thai Massage in Chiang Mai, Thailand. This massage is give on a padded mat on the floor rather than a table. The person receiving the massage wears comfortable stretch clothing (think yoga friendly). Thai massage involves the practitioner using various parts of their body (rather than just arms, hands, elbows, etc.) to place the person in a stretch while also working the muscles and pressure points along the sen lines (energy meridians in Thai massage) at the same time.
$150/1.5 hour
Shiro Abhyanga: This is a traditional south India style of head massage that involves applying certain oils to the scalp, head, neck, and shoulders while working with the marma points. It can be very relaxing and is a recommended treatment for stress, imbalances of the scalp, insomnia, headaches/migraines, anxiety and other mental health challenges, allopecia and hair loss, and overal management of Vata vyaddhis.
$30/15-20 minutes
Mukha Abhyanga: This is a traditional face massage that uses a special oil that is lovely for the face. This can be incorporated in any of the massage sessions.
"I wanted to thank you for all that you have done for me. I've been to many LMT's over the years, and you are, by far, the best one." - CL